EUTxO and English Auction
Auction Contract in the EUTxO Model
Lecture 1, Part 4
Introductory example is an auction. Somebody wants to auction off an NFT.
Auction is parameterized by the owner of the token. They provide the token itself, a minimum bid, and deadline.
Alice has an NFT and she wants to auction it. She creates a EUTxO.
- The value (were it might normally be 10 ADA or 100 ADA, etc) is just the NFT
- The datum is initially "Nothing". Later it will contain the highest bidder and the highest bid
In the real blockchain, all EUTxOs much be accompanied by some amount of ADA, but we are ignoring it for simplicity.
Bob wants to bid 100 ADA. He creates a transaction with 2 inputs and 1 output. The first input is the auction EUTxO and the second input is a EUTxO representing his bid. It contains 100 ADA. The output is again the auction script, but with the value and the datum changed.
Redeemer: bid
Input 1: The auction EUTxO
Input 2: A EUTxO representing his bid. The value is 100 ADA
Output: The auction EUTxO again, but with the value and datum changed. The value is "NFT + 100 ADA" and the datum is (Bob, 100).
The script checks that all conditions are met. The bid is above the minimum and the time is before the deadline. It passes.
Now, Charlie wants to submit a bid for 200 ADA. He creates a transaction with 2 inputs and 2 outputs.
Redeemer: bid
Input 1: The auction EUTxO (includes changes from Bob)
Input 2: A EUTxO representing his bid. The value is 200 ADA
Output 1: The auction EUTxO again, but with the value and datum changed. The value is "NFT + 200 ADA" and the datum is (Charlie, 200).
Output 2: 100 ADA to Bob. He is getting his bid back. The information can be found by looking at the datum on the input auction
Again, the script checks that all conditions are met. In addition to the bid minimum and the deadline, it also checks that the new bid is higher than the current highest bid, the new auction EUTxO is correctly updated, and that the previous highest bidder gets his bid back.
Once the deadline has passed, someone has to initiate one more transaction of the script. It can be anybody. But it will probably be Alice who wants her bid or the winner, Charlie, who wants his NFT.
This final transaction will have 1 input and 2 outputs.
Redeemer: close
Input: The auction EUTxO
Output 1: NFT to Charlie
Output 2: 200 ADA to Alice
The script will check conditions. Conditions are: deadline is reached and highest bidder gets NFT and auction owner gets highest bid.
What if no one bids? Alice makes a transaction.
Redeemer: close
Input: The auction EUTxO
Output: NFT to Alice
The script checks and sees there is no highest bidder and outputs the NFT to Alice.
The Auction Code Itself
On Cardano, there are on-chain and off-chain code. Everything above is on-chain code.
There are public key addresses and script addresses. They sit on an output. If a transaction tries to consume a EUTxO on the script address (tries to use the script address as an input), the script executes on-chain by a node.
Look at plutus-pioneer-program/code/week01/src/Week01/EnglishAuction.hs
On line 56, you can see the data definition for the Auction
data Auction = Auction
{ aSeller :: !PaymentPubKeyHash
, aDeadline :: !POSIXTime
, aMinBid :: !Integer
, aCurrency :: !CurrencySymbol
, aToken :: !TokenName
} deriving (P.Show, Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToSchema)
It contains information about the seller, deadline, minimum bid, and (the last two keys) the NFT.
On line 114, you can see the start of the definition of the heart of the script. This is the actual logic used in the script.
mkAuctionValidator :: AuctionDatum -> AuctionAction -> ScriptContext -> Bool
mkAuctionValidator ad redeemer ctx =
traceIfFalse "wrong input value" correctInputValue &&
--- Many more lines below here snipped
On line 216, you can see where the compilation happens. This is "template Haskell" that initiates the GHC compiler plugin.
typedAuctionValidator :: Scripts.TypedValidator Auctioning
typedActuionValidator = Scripts.mkTypedValidator @Auctioning
$$(PlutusTx.compile [|| mkAuctionValidator ||])
$$(PlutusTx.compile [|| wrap ||])
wrap = Scripts.wrapValidator @AuctionDatum @AuctionAction
On line 232 starts the off-chain part of the code. This particular block defines parameters for enpoints that are involved.
data StartParams = StartParams
{ spDeadline :: !POSIXTime
, spMinBid :: !Integer
, spCurrency :: !CurrencySymbold
, spToken :: !TokenName
} deriving (Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToSchema)
-- Two more endpoints snipped: BidParams and CloseParams
The logic for start
, bid
, and close
as well as a few more helper functions
are defined a little lower starting on line 255.
The last few lines starting on line 362 are for demo purposes and trying out the auction in the playground. It's creating a sample NFT we can use to auction away.
myToken :: KnownCurrency
myToken = KnownCurrency (ValidatorHash "f") "Token" (TokenName "T" :| [])
mkKnownCurrencies ['myToken]
The token created here has the hash "f". Looking up the UTF-8 table, you can see that "f" can also be represented as decimal 102, which is hexidecimal 66.
That value "66" will be necessary to know when using the playground. It needs to
be entered as the spCurrency unCurrencySymbol
when interacting with the
Some code can be shared between the on-chain and off-chain parts. The minBid
function is one such example you can see in the example auction code.