# Connect to MariaDB from a Next.js App

# Prequisites

  • A running Next.js app
  • A running MariaDB (or MySQL) instance with user access configured

# Install Dependencies

This solution uses the knex and mysql2 packages. Install them as dependencies.

npm install knex mysql2

# Set Environment Variables

Set the following environment variables in whichever way makes sense for your situation. If you are connecting to a development database server from a development machine, you may create a file called .env.local in the root directory of your app.

DB_PORT= 3306
DB_DATABASE= [database name]
DB_USER= [database user name]
DB_PASSWORD= [database user password]

You may need to change the host or the port depending on your setup.

# Create a Database Connection File

Create a new file called lib/db.ts.

import knex from "knex";

export const db = knex({
  client: "mysql2",
  connection: {
    host: process.env.DB_HOST,
    port: process.env.DB_PORT,
    user: process.env.DB_USER,
    password: process.env.DB_PASSWORD,
    database: process.env.DB_DATABASE,

We'll import this file into any file that needs to connect to the database.

# Get Data from the Database Server-Side

Inside a Next.js page like pages/index.tsx, import the db function from the file we just created..

import { db } from "../lib/db";

Then create a getServerSideProps() function. Next.js will use this to get data server-side and pass them as props to the page.

export async function getServerSideProps() {
  const message = await db("Message").first("text").where({ id: 1 });

  return {
    props: { message },

Now, use the prop in the page's render function.

export default function Home({ message }) {
  return (

# Using a Raw Query

Knex has a built in raw() function that allows you to execute raw SQL. Unfortunately, the format of the data returned by this function doesn't work well with Next.js.

However, we can write a simple wrapper around it to help us.

Add the following to lib/db.ts.

export const raw = async (sql: string, bindings?: any) => {
  const result = await db.raw(sql, bindings);
  const data = result[0];
  const parsed = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));
  return parsed.length === 1 ? parsed[0] : parsed;

Now on your page, you can import this function.

import { db, raw } from "../lib/db";

And you can use it to execute raw queries in getServerSideProps().

const message = await raw("SELECT text FROM Message WHERE id = 1 LIMIT 1;");