# Database Backups

# Prerequisites

  • MariaDB installed
  • One or more databases created
  • MariaDB has a root user which authenticates with the local filesystem account

# Install the Backup Utility

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y mariadb-backup

# Create a Backup Script

Create a backup script at /usr/local/bin/backup_databases.sh.


# Enable errexit so the script stops as soon as it encounters an error
set -e

# Create directory for backups
mkdir -p /var/mariadb/backup

# Store the backup filename
FILENAME=/var/mariadb/backup/backup_$(date -u +%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ).gz

# Use mariabackup to create a compressed backup of the database
mariabackup --user=root --backup --stream=xbstream | gzip > "$FILENAME"

# Was the backup file created?
if [ -f "$FILENAME" ]; then
        # Is the file too small to contain data?
        if [ $(stat -c "%s" "$FILENAME") -lt 100000 ]; then
                # Remove the junk file. Output error. Exit.
                rm "$FILENAME"
                echo "Backup failed: The backup file contained no data" >&2
                exit 1
        # Output error. Exit.
        echo "Backup failed: No backup file was created" >&2
        exit 1

# Count the number of backup files
NUM_BACKUPS=$(find /var/mariadb/backup -type f -name "backup_*\.gz" | wc -l)

# If there are multiple backup files...
if [ $NUM_BACKUPS -gt 1 ]; then
        # Remove backup files that are 14 days old or older
        find /var/mariadb/backup -type f -name "backup_*\.gz" -mtime +14 -exec rm {} \;

Make the script executable.

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/backup_databases.sh

# Configure Automatic Backups with systemd

Create /etc/systemd/system/backup_databases.service.

Description=Backup Databases



Create /etc/systemd/system/backup_databases.timer.

Description=Run Database Backup Script Daily



Reload the system daemon to pick up the new service and timer.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Enable the timer so it starts when the system starts.

sudo systemctl enable backup_databases.timer

Start the timer now.

sudo systemctl start backup_databases.timer

At this point, all MariaDB databases will be backed up to /var/mariadb/backup every day at midnight.

# Manually Backing Up Databases

You can back up databases at any time.

sudo mariabackup --user=root --backup --stream=xbstream | sudo gzip > /var/mariadb/backup/backup_$(date -u +%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ).gz

Or you could run the backup script.

sudo /usr/local/bin/backup_databases.sh