# Create a Virtual Machine with VirtualBox

If you don't already have it, download and install Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager.

Open Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager.

Click the New button.

Give the virtual machine a name. Example: "myserver".

Under Type, choose Linux.

Under Version, choose the Linux version you will be installing. Example: "Debian 11 Bullseye (64-bit)".

Click Next.

Under Base Memory, choose an appropriate amount. Half of the available memory is a good choice, but you may want to choose less or more depending on your needs.

Under Processors, choose an appropriate amount. Half of the available processors is a good choice, but you may want to choose less or more depending on your needs.

Check the box for Enable EFI (special OSes only).

Click Next.

Leave Create a Virtual Hard Disk Now selected and enter a disk size. It should probably be at least 20 GB. Choose a size that will accomodate any software, application files, and database data you will need.

Click Next.

Click Finish.

Click the Settings button.

Click System from the pane on the left.

Under Boot Order, uncheck Floppy and then move it below Hard Disk.

Under Chipset, choose ICH9.

Click Storage from the pane on the left.

Under Storage Devices, click to highlight Controller: IDE.

Click the Remove Controller button an icon of a green diamond with a red X
over top of it. It is near the bottom of the window.

Click Audio from the pane on the left.

Uncheck Enable Audio.

Click OK.

At this point, you can continue by installing the operating system.